Welcome to Princeland - SP Version


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From Indiegala
Our blog

You are a part of the rebellion against the prince who exploit his people with taxes.

Gather the best weapons, vehicles and followers to crush his army.

By upgrading your skills, challenge him at different difficulty mods.


In this single player-only version, you will face the Prince's armies by yourself.

Welcome to Princeland, the south east of Oman Sea.

This is a place which is used by powerful countries to do drug trials and technology experiments.

A place that has %800 tax rate, where you can barely stay alive.

You are a part of the rebellion against the prince who exploit his people with taxes.

Gather the best weapons, vehicles and followers to crush his army. By upgrading your skills, challenge him at different difficulty mods. After his funeral, we will all able get weapons, vehicles and followers tax-free.

But the challenge is that he is hiding in one of the six bunkers in the land.Sometimes It can be frustrating to not able to find him so you may want to team-up with friends to find him quick.


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